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Environmental Justice Eyes Users as well as Producers

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In this thought-provoking Q & A interview, an environmental lawyer talks about paying for environmental costs and points out that the users of polluting sources have to bear their share of the cost. Read More...

Why the Green Movement Should Include Environmental Health Issues

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Annie Bond makes a great point. The Green Movement and the anti-toxics advocates need to shelter under the banner of the now accepted "Green" movement. It's not just the earth that needs to be kept healthy; it's also the earth's people. Read More...

Even Drill-Happy Texas Finds Most Gas Wells Release Toxic Chemicals

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More than 90% of Texas' 13,000 gas drilling facilities are releasing toxic chemicals into the Big Sky, but Texas gas operators say it's all "routine and legal." Many of the wells are right next to homes, colleges and athletic fields. Read More...

Marcellus Shale Drilling Threat to PA Wilds

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"Construction of roads and pad sites can cause erosion and sedimentation pollution in some of our highest-quality streams. Excessive water withdrawals from smaller streams can result in the loss of aquatic life." -- An angler's view of gas drilling in the Pennsylvania forest. Read More...


Water: Our Most Precious Resource: by Marc Devilliers. This highly readable report on the looming global water crisis is amazingly informative on water issues around the world from China to Texas.