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Big Fuel Cell Takes 500-Unit New Haven Condo Off the Grid

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Bruce Decker, the developer of a 360 State Street in New Haven, has provided it with a 400KW fuel cell that will light and heat the building, as well as provide hot water and warm the swimming pool, taking it off the grid. It's the first fuel cell for a large US residential building. Read More...

40% Less Electricity? An NYC Energy Story

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by Ingrid Wiegand Throwing away stuff from earlier years after doing this year’s taxes, I came across a bunch of ConEd bills from 2003. Just for the hell of it, I decided to check the “Average Daily Electric Use” graph that ConEd provides every month, and compare it with my current use. Wow! Was... Read More...

Clean, Cheap Fuel Cell Technology Meets Skeptical Reception

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On February 24, Bloom Energy is formally announcing the advent of a low-cost, very efficient fuel cell technology that requires no exotic materials to make, and has had some serious -- and successful -- beta runs at major operations like Google. The reception, however, isn't jubilant, but very cool and skeptical, like this story... Read More...


Water: Our Most Precious Resource: by Marc Devilliers. This highly readable report on the looming global water crisis is amazingly informative on water issues around the world from China to Texas.