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Colorado Sells 500M Gallons of Colorado River for Fracking
500 million gallons for fracking may not seem a lot when the region is expecting to be 300 billion gallons short of drinking water in the near future, but the picture of Colorado selling the water for fracking on its Front Range, where most of its biggest towns and cities are, even as the... Read More...
To Frack or Not To Frack? Real Questions Persist
The environmental consequences of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” as it’s usually called, have two story lines. The industry’s is that there has never been a problem caused because of fracking. Opponents cite numerous instances of contaminated wells and other environmental violations, many of the resulting in steep fines. The Great Gas Hope Part of... Read More...
The Perils of Hydrofracking, on Film
The documentary, "Gasland," covers the impact of drilling gas wells by hydraulic fracturing, described here as "polemical and quite frightening." Read More...
Congressman for NYC Watershed Calls for Halt in Rush to Drill
Congressman Maurice Hinchey whose district covers most of New York City's watershed, has come up with a move that may halt gas drilling in the area for some time to come. Read More...
Treatment Plant for Waste Water from Gas Drilling
Athens Township in Pennsylvania is considering a permit for a 27-acre water treatment plant for a gas drilling company, but when it gets through talking about the radioactive, saline and heavy metal waste, the millions of gallons of water involved and the dangers of spills in heavy rains, the reader begins to wonder.... Read More...
No Water, No City. But Nobody’s Listening
Any day now, New Yorkers could lose 90 per cent of their water in a New York Minute. The water might not just be undrinkable: you might not even be able to use it for washing vegetables, brushing your teeth, or taking a shower. Going by experiences in other parts of the country, it... Read More...