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Agent Orange Chemical Still in Wide Use Throughout the U.S.

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The USDA appears about to approve a new Monsanto GMO crop that will increase spraying of a herbicide containing 2,4-D, a chemical component of Agent Orange. 2,4-D is already in use, not only on crops, but on lawns and playing fields. Read More...

Republicans Parented Environmental Agencies

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A writer from the San Gabriel Valley Tribune reminds us that most of the major environmental government agencies we count as our blessings were started by Republicans, including Nixon. Read More...

To Frack or Not To Frack? Real Questions Persist

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The environmental consequences of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” as it’s usually called, have two story lines. The industry’s is that there has never been a problem caused because of fracking. Opponents cite numerous instances of contaminated wells and other environmental violations, many of the resulting in steep fines. The Great Gas Hope Part of... Read More...

The Mayfly: David to Mountaintop Mining’s Goliath?

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“Mayfly imitations and woolly buggers have been doing well when the water does get up,” is the last word on trout lures from the Appalachian Angler, a fisherman’s blog. The real thing is the common mayfly, a small insect that constitutes the filets mignon for trout and much that swims in the creeks and... Read More...

Solar Power Makes 30-Year Superfund Site Cleanup Possible

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It's going to take 30 years of constant operation instead of 200 to reclaim a Superfund site in Davis, CA, so it's a good thing that the cleanup system will be powered by solar-generated electricity. As usual, the people who created all the pollution (Frontier Fertilizer) have left the site, as the taxpayers clean... Read More...

Fools ‘R’ Us: How the Chemical Lobby Keeps Us from Testing Its Products for Safety

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This article tells of another lost legislative opportunity to reduce the poisons in our water, soil and air, courtesy of our chemical industry. But until we wake up to the fact that we are being manipulated by the industry's threats of job loss, we will continue to die, uncomprehending of the fools being made... Read More...

Poster Child for the Environment: The Empire State Building

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This article does a great job of covering many of the issues affecting commercial building retrofits today, starting with the process and rationale that are leading to a major retrofit of one of America's great, and most visible landmarks. Read More...


Water: Our Most Precious Resource: by Marc Devilliers. This highly readable report on the looming global water crisis is amazingly informative on water issues around the world from China to Texas.