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Obama vs Obama on the Environment: It’s a Draw!
The Obama administration has made some notable moves on improving the environment, but it has also made some serious concessions to industrial and political opponents who claim that environmental regulations are costing jobs. So the best that can be said about the Obama’s pros and cons on the environment is: it’s a draw! Some... Read More...
To Frack or Not To Frack? Real Questions Persist
The environmental consequences of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” as it’s usually called, have two story lines. The industry’s is that there has never been a problem caused because of fracking. Opponents cite numerous instances of contaminated wells and other environmental violations, many of the resulting in steep fines. The Great Gas Hope Part of... Read More...
The Mayfly: David to Mountaintop Mining’s Goliath?
“Mayfly imitations and woolly buggers have been doing well when the water does get up,” is the last word on trout lures from the Appalachian Angler, a fisherman’s blog. The real thing is the common mayfly, a small insect that constitutes the filets mignon for trout and much that swims in the creeks and... Read More...