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Even in Energy Saving Buildings, Not a Lot of Measuring Going On

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Charlotte, NC's, new library uses more energy than expected because it has 50% more visitors and is used many more hours than designers anticipated. But the LEED Silver building didn't know it was still had energy savings of 28.5% over what a conventional building equivalent would use until somebody asked. Read More...

Going Green Gets Franchised by Marriott Hotels

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When someone agrees to build and operate a Courtyard Hotel under the Marriott Hotel chain's franchise, they get a building plan that's guaranteed to provide the new hotel with a LEED rating. Read More...

Green Buildings: Greening the Air

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“What do you put in the air?” the building superintendent at the Hearst Tower on 57th Street in New York City says he is frequently asked. What the people who work there sense as something added is actually something taken away: the off-gassing of toxic chemicals from flooring materials, wall paints and furniture, the... Read More...


Water: Our Most Precious Resource: by Marc Devilliers. This highly readable report on the looming global water crisis is amazingly informative on water issues around the world from China to Texas.