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Alternative Energy: Saved by the Military?

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The U.S. military is looking for better batteries and is using solar cells to cut its dependence on oil. Even as the Congress, with its usual lack of foresight, seeks to defund alternative energy research, the military is soldiering on with its plans to find new technology that will free us from our slavery... Read More...

New Government-Backed Green Technologies Find Private Investment

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The projects described in this story give some informative clues as to where American innovation in environmental technologies is going at this point. Read More...

Getting It Right: Windpower & Transmission Capacity

By editor

This article really spells out some of the infrastructure and land-use problems we face as we utilize wind power. Looks like Texas is leading the charge (if you'll pardon the expression), but 19th Century land-use policy will be the stick-in-the-spokes that could keep the windmills from turning. Read More...


Water: Our Most Precious Resource: by Marc Devilliers. This highly readable report on the looming global water crisis is amazingly informative on water issues around the world from China to Texas.